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Capital Projects
Capital planning is a key element to the future success of the Springfield Park District. Outdated parks and facilities can limit our organization's delivery of products and services. Few, if any, of our facilities are exempt from significant physical renovations, improvements, or new construction required to meet their functional expectations. Major renovations and new construction at the Springfield Park District fall into the category of capital improvements, as do substantial repairs and equipment replacement, which would not be included in our normal maintenance and repair budget.
Planning for capital development and improvement at the Springfield Park District can be a complex combination of demands, financing, and the long-range plans for the District. The Park District has prepared a capital plan that establishes the priority projects for the budget cycle. Input to the plan includes projects that were not funded in the last budget cycle and are still a priority to the organization, plus new requests for projects that are physically and financially feasible. Input and requests come from a variety of areas within the District, including the Recreation Department, Parks Department, Finance Department, Marketing Department, and Athletic Associations. The number of worthy projects generally far exceeds available funds. Therefore, funding priorities become an important part of the capital planning process.
The Springfield Park District utilizes the following criteria to assist in determining the priority of a requested project.
Health and Safety Issues
- Impact on Operating Funds/Reduces Expenses
- Code Compliance
- Potential for Revenue Generation
- Previous Commitment
- Potential for Additional Outside/Alternate Funding
No proposed contracts at this time.
No proposed bids at this time.
No requests for proposal at this time.