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Park Board Meetings

The Board of Trustees meet twice a month for their Committee Meetings and then for the regular monthly Board Meeting.  These meetings take place at 5:30pm. Committee Meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month and regular Board Meetings on the third Wednesday of each month.

Meetings are traditionally held at Bunn Administration offices unless otherwise posted in the schedule and on the agenda.  Bunn Administrative Office:  2500 S. 11th Street, Springfield, IL 62703 (Just inside Bunn Golf Course property)

Meeting Agendas

Agendas for the upcoming Park Board meeting will be posted here monthly. Agendas are typically available a couple of days before the board meeting. For an advanced copy of the agenda please call 217-544-1751 ext. 1004

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 5:30pm

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 5:30pm

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 5:30pm

Committee Meeting Info

About Committees

The Park Board hosts six Committees that focus on a variety of areas of oversite within the Park District operations.  These committees are led by a Chair and two-three additional Board Trustees.  A full list of those Committees and their scope are below:

Finance & Human Resources -

Chair:  Kris Theilen                 Members:  Mary Beth Rodgers, Mallory Wescott, and Charlie Hoogland

Scope/Description: Oversight includes annual budget and appropriation ordinance, annual operation and capital budget, purchasing and insurance, tax rate/levy, statement of claims, approval of banking, financial, insurance, and related larger vendors/suppliers.

Long Range Planning -

Chair:  Charlie Hoogland                 Members:  Kris Theilen, Mallory Wescott, and Nancy Eck

Scope/Description:  Oversight includes the development and implementation of a long-range comprehensive master plan for the redevelopment of existing parks and amenities, acquisition and development of newly acquired green space, plans for green space initiatives in the community, and related matters relating to long-range goals of District.

Grants & Marketing -

Chair:  Nancy Eck                  Members:  Kris Theilen, Mallory Wescott, and Charlie Hoogland

Scope/Description:  Oversight includes review and approval of grant applications (especially for matching resources – OSLAD) on an annual or as-needed basis, and planning for development campaigns to benefit the parks and recreation needs of the community.  This Committee will also oversee the District’s marketing/promotion plan.

Buildings & Concessions -

Chair:  Mary Beth Rodgers                              Members:  Charlie Hoogland, Kris Theilen, and Mary Aiello

Scope/Description:  Oversight includes approval of professional service agreements with Architectural, Landscape, Engineering, and related professionals, structures, sports fields, concession areas, and related structures in parks, concession, rental and related agreements by third-party groups and/or individuals including requests of alcohol sales and distribution approval and related matters.

Recreation -

Chair:  Mallory Wescott                Members:  Mary Aiello, Mary Beth Rodgers, and Nancy Eck

Scope/Description: Oversight includes review and approval of annual event & program plans, newly created program/event plans, promotion plans, revenue-producing facilities and services (i.e. golf), fees, and charges for services.

Liaison -

Chair:  Mary Aiello                    Members:  Nancy Eck, Mallory Wescott, and Mary Beth Rodgers

Scope/Description:  Oversight includes outreach initiatives to public organizations, clubs, organizations, and related or potential user groups (third parties) through intergovernmental agreements, and cooperation agreements (private for-profit and not-for-profit) that benefit the parks and recreation needs of the Community.

Committee Meeting Schedule

January8, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
February13, 2025*5:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
March12, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
April9, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
May14, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
June11, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
July9, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
August13, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
September10, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
October8, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
November12, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
December10, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703

*Meeting moved from regular schedule in recognition of Lincoln’s Birthday.

Board Meeting Info

The Park Board hosts six Committees that focus on a variety of areas of oversite within the Park District operations.  These committees are led by a Chair and two-three additional Board Trustees.  A full list of those Committees and their scope are below:

Board Meeting Schedule

January15, 20255:30 pmNelson Center, Franklin Room1601 N 5th St, Springfield IL 62702
February19, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
March19, 20255:30 pmLincoln Greens Golf Course700 E Lake Shore Dr, Springfield IL 62712
April16, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
May21, 20255:30 pmHenson Robinson Zoo1100 E Lake Shore Dr, Springfield IL 62712
June18, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
July16, 20255:30 pmWashington Park Botanical Garden1740 W Fayette Ave, Springfield IL 62704
August20, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
September17, 20255:30 pmLincoln Park Pavilion1601 N 5th St, Springfield IL 62702
October15, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703
November19, 20255:30 pmWashington Park Pavilion1400 Williams Blvd, Springfield IL 62704
December17, 20255:30 pmBunn Admin2500 S 11th St, Springfield IL 62703

Board Agenda and Minutes

At the completion of each month's Board Meeting, once approved, the Agenda, Meeting Recording and Meeting Minutes are filed below:






March 12th

Committee Meeting

March 12th

Special Board Meeting

March 19th

Board Meeting

March 19th

Public Hearing

February 13th

Committee Meeting

February 19th

Board Meeting

January 8th

Committee Meeting

January 8th

Special Board Meeting

January 15th

Board Meeting






December 11th

Committee Meeting

December 11th

Special Board Meeting

December 18th

Board Meeting

November 13th

Committee Meeting

November 13th

Special Board Meeting

November 20th

Board Meeting

October 9th

Committee Meeting

October 9th

Special Board Meeting

October 9th

Decennial Committee Meeting

October 16th

Board Meeting

October 16th

Public Hearing #1

October 16th

Public Hearing #2

September 11th

Committee Meeting

September 11th

Special Board Meeting

September 18th

Board Meeting

August 14th

Committee Meeting

August 14th

Special Board Meeting

August 14th

Decennial Committee Meeting

August 21st

Board Meeting

August 21st

Public Hearing

July 10th

Committee Meeting

July 10th

Special Board Meeting

July 17th

Board Meeting

June 12th

Committee Meeting

June 12th

Special Board Meeting

June 15th

Board Retreat

June 20th

Board Meeting

May 8th

Committee Meeting

May 8th

Special Board Meeting

May 15th

Board Meeting

April 10th

Committee Meeting

April 10th

Special Board Meeting

April 10th

Public Hearing

April 17th

Board Meeting

March 13th

Committee Meeting

March 13th

Special Board Meeting

March 20th

Board Meeting

February 13th

Committee Meeting

February 13th

Special Board Meeting

February 21st

Board Meeting

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