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What type of ice sports do you offer?

The Nelson Center contains two indoor ice rinks, nine locker rooms and concession areas that are open to the public year-round. Housing the only two indoor ice rinks within a 60-Mile radius, it serves as the home for many programs, events, and activities in the area.  As well as offers a variety of instructional classes and leagues designed to teach children and adults how to figure skate or play hockey. The Nelson Center is also home to the NAHL Springfield Jr. Blues, Lincoln Land High School Hockey Association, Springfield Youth Hockey Association, and the Springfield Figure Skating Club.

Register for an Ice Sports Activity

Learn to Skate Academy

Our Learn to Skate Academy is an instructional program that teaches a step-by-step progression of skills to develop the student’s techniques in an enjoyable and FUN atmosphere. Beginners start in Snowplow 1 or Basic 1, depending on their age. Beginning skaters do NOT need to have their own skates. You can use skates from our rink’s Skate Rental at no cost! Be sure to dress in warm and comfortable clothing.  Students will advance classes once skills can be completed. Advancements in classes can be made during a session or at the end of the session during our evaluations. It is not uncommon for kids to repeat classes multiple times until the skills are mastered.

Learn to Skate Classes offered:

Tiny Tots - Ages 2-5
Ice Breakers
- Ages 2-5
Skating 2 Hockey
- Ages 3+
Snowplow 1-4
- Ages 3-5
Basic 1-6
- Ages 6+
Free Skate 1-6
- Ages 6+
Spins and Jumps
- Ages 6+


For More Information:

For specific course dates and times or to register, please contact the Nelson Center at 217-753-2800.

Learn to Play Hockey

Learn to Play is a six-class program where basic hockey skills are taught in a fun atmosphere. First-time should ice skaters should consider enrolling in our 1ce breakers, Learn to Skate Snow Plow 1, or Tiny Tots to develop necessary skating fundamentals.


Players must pass 1ce Breakers or Snow Plow 1 to advance to Skating 2 Hockey. Players must pass Skating 2 Hockey In order to advance to L3arn to Play, and players must pass L3arn to Play to participate in our Mini-Mite and Mite Hockey, Tier League Rec Hockey or Springfield Youth Hockey Association travel programs.

Skates are available for use at our Skate Rental in Rink2

We offer hockey equipment at a great cost! - Ask about our hockey equipment rentals!

For specific course dates and times or to register,
please contact Tim Rhodes at 217-53-4795
or the Nelson Center at 217-753-2800

Tier 1 & Tier 2

Welcome to the Nelson Center's Tier League Rec Hockey! Hockey is a very skilled sport, and our goal is to make practices fun and engaging while providing each player with the confidence and direction they need to develop necessary skills through a balanced curriculum of hockey drills and activities. Tier League Rec Hockey is a recreational league co-sponsored by the Springfield Park District and the Springfield Youth Hockey Association (SYHA) that is designed for players who have successfully completed our Learn to Play program. Players must provide their own equipment

Please review the following registration requirements:
Players must be members of USA Hockey. To register, visit www.usahockeyregistration.com. If prompted, select Missouri as your state of membership.
Players must be SYHA members. To register, visit www.springfieldkings.org.
Program registration is online at www.springfieldparks.org. Players must register for both the "Tier League Practice Night” and the “Tier League Rec Hockey” sections. Players must have their own hockey equipment. Game times will be scheduled at a later date.

Mite & Mini Mite

Welcome to the Nelson Center's ADM hockey league! Hockey is a very skilled sport, and our goal is to make practices fun and engaging while providing each player with the confidence and direction they need to develop necessary skills through a balanced curriculum of hockey drills and activities. Mini-Mite & Mite Hockey is a recreational league co-sponsored by the Springfield Park District and the Springfield Youth Hockey Association (SYHA) that is designed for players who have successfully completed our Learn to Play program. Players must provide their own equipment.

Please review the following registration requirements:
Players must be members of USA Hockey. To register, visit www.usahockeyregistration.com. If prompted, select Missouri as your state of membership.
Players must be SYHA members. To register, visit www.springfieldkings.org.
Program registration is online at www.springfieldparks.org. Players must register for both the "Mini-Mite and Mite Hockey" and the “Mini-Mite and Mite Practice” sections. Game times will be scheduled at a later date.

Public Skate

Public Skate is open to the public and all ages. Patrons enjoy music being played while skating on the ice.  Patrons must abide by all Nelson Center skating rules. Children 10 years of age and under must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult, age 16 or older. Please call ahead to confirm public skate times as they may be canceled due to tournaments, games, and/or special events: 217-753-2800.

Discount Public Skate simply means that skate rentals are included in the Resident/Non-resident Fee; as well, it lasts for one hour and thirty minutes compared to Regular Public Skate that lasts for two hours at a time.  During Regular Public Skate hours, skate rentals are $3.00.

Need to reach staff at the Nelson Center Ice Rink?  See Information Below:

George Tucker, Jr.
General Manager

1601 N. 5th St, Spfld IL 62702

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Leslie Jones
Administrative Assistant

1601 N. 5th St, Spfld IL 62702

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Eric Henderson
Facility Program Supervisor

1601 N. 5th St, Spfld IL 62702

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Nick Cordell
Superintendent of Maintenance Operations

1601 N. 5th St, Spfld IL 62702

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Manage your recreational FUN and sign up for programs at our Online REG Portal!

For a full list of Ice Sport Programs currently running, click the Hockey and Figure Skating button next to Skip the Squirrel. 

hockey figure skating little boy playing hockey link button