Cancellations due to low enrollment - When a class is cancelled due to lack of enrollment, you will be notified by phone or email and a full refund will be issued.
Cancellations due to weather - Program cancellations due to weather will be posted on the Rainout Line. This line will keep you up-to-date when adverse weather affects our programs.
Springfield Park District Rainout Line: 217-203-6004
Facility or District - Wide Emergency Closures - The Park District endeavors to keep its facilities and programs operating whenever possible. There are times, however, when weather, road conditions or facility malfunctions dictate that programs and/or services must be cancelled or temporarily postponed or entire facilities closed. In order to provide employees and patrons with a safe and secure environment in which to work and play, the Park District reserves the right to close a particular facility or cancel a program using the following criteria:
1. Program cancellation will be consistent district wide unless there are facility specific reasons for cancellation.
2. In all situations, the Park District reserves the right to adapt this procedure and make decisions based extenuating circumstances and/or on the safety of staff, patrons, and/or participants.
Because weather and road conditions can change dramatically as the day progresses, the Park District will monitor weather conditions and announce closing updates throughout the day. Communication regarding any weather related closing and updates will be posted on the Park District website, Facebook, and app.